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Showing posts from January, 2021

Commodities to be Packed in Specified Quantities (Standard Packages )

Commodities Quantities in which to be Packed 1. Baby food:    200g, 500g, 1 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg and 10 kg    Any manufacturer or packer packing baby food in 400g weaning food in 500g shall not be allowed to do so beyond 30.6.95 2. Weaning food  200g, 400g, 1 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg and 10 kg – Publication of this notification in the official gazette 3. Biscuits  25g, 50g, 75g, 100g, 150g, 200g, 250g, 300g and thereafter in multiples of 100g up to 1 kg 4. Bread including brown bread but excluding bun 100g and thereafter in multiples of 100g 5. Uncanned packages of butter and margarine  25g, 50g, 100g, 200g, 500g, 1 kg, 5 kg and thereafter in multiples of 5 kg 6.Cereals and pulses  100g, 200g, 500g, 1 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg and thereafter in multiples of 5 kg 7. Coffee 25g, 50g, 100g, 200g, 500g, 1 kg and thereafter in multiples of 1 kg 8. Tea  25g, 50g, 100g, 200g, 500g, 1 kg and thereafter in multiples of 1 kg 9. Materials which may be reconstituted as beverages 25g, 50g, 100g, 200g, 500g, 1 kg and thereaft

Where to approach if license is not issued within the prescribed timeline or unsatisfied by the decision of Licensing authority or application is rejected or license is suspended/ cancelled by the concerned authority?

Ans: If you are aggrieved by the decision of concerned licensing or registering authority, you may appeal to the Commissioner of Food Safety of your State under Section 32 of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006.  Details of Commissioners of Food Safety of all States/UTs are available at In case of Central License, you can write to the Directors of FSSAI Regional Offices. Details are available  at

What is the maximum time for grant of Registration Certificate after applying?

Ans: A registration certificate has to be issued by the registration authority within 7 days of the date of making application. In the case, registration authority wants to conduct inspection of the premise of the applicant, the inspection must be conducted within 30 days of the date of application and registration to be issued, if premises found in order as per Schedule 4 of FSS (Licensing and Registration of food businesses) Regulations, 2011.

Do Chemists Shops and Retailer of general/grocery items need to obtain FSSAI License or Registration?

Do Chemists Shops and Retailer of general/grocery items need to obtain FSSAI License or  Registration? Ans: Chemists Shops, Retailers or any other retailing units are required to obtain FSSAI License, if they are  involved in selling of food products through their outlets. Eligibility Criteria of FSSAI License/Registration  is available on or call @ 1800112100 (toll free).

I have FSSAI License,can I use the Jaivik Bharat (Organic India) logo on food product labels?

Ans: Even, if an FBO has the valid FSSAI License, he needs to endorse organic food in his/her FSSAI  License by enclosing the certification of the products obtained from NPOP/PGS-India. Only after approval of  endorsement of organic foods in FSSAI License, the FBO can use Jaivik Bharat (Organic India) logo on  endorsed product labels

What are the mandatory conditions of license pertaining to my food business?

Ans: There are certain Conditions of License as defined in Annexure 3 of Schedule 2 of Food Safety and  Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses) Regulations, 2011 which are to be complied with  at all times by every FSSAI Licensed food business operator. FSSAI Licenses (with embedded QR Code) are  being dispatched to Food Business Operators with Conditions of License annexed to it. Conditions of  License are also available on the homepage of Food Licensing and Registration System. 

Is there a mandatory requirement for all Manufacturers/Processors to compulsorily set-up in￾house food testing laboratory?

Ans: As per condition of License, FBOs involved in manufacturing/processing of Oils shall have in-house  laboratory facility for analytical testing of products. Further, FSSAI vide order number 15023/02/2017-QA (pt-2) dated 15th October 2019 has issued directions  that all Dairy Processing units should follow a standardized Scheme of Sampling, Testing and Inspection for  monitoring of internal controls to ensure safe and good quality of supply of milk and milk products to  consumers. Detailed Scheme of Sampling, Testing and Inspection is attached with the order (available at  FSSAI‟s website). The scheme came into force from 01st Jan 2020.

Do I need to file annual return for my food business activities?

Ans: FSSAI Licensed FBOs involved in Manufacturing (including repacking and manufacturing of food products by third party manufacturers) and importing of food products need to submit Annual Returns in Form D1 by 31st May of every preceding financial year. Manufacturers of Milk and Milk products need to submit Half-yearly returns in form D2 within one month of completion of previous half-year. Formats of D1 and D2 are available on the homepage of FSSAI‟s licensing website Merchant Exporter can file Quarterly annual report through online system

What is the significance of Nomination of person in Form IX? Is it mandatory to nominate a person for a food business?

  Ans: Every Licensed FBO shall inform the Licensing authority in Form IX, the particulars relating to the concerned head or the person in-charge of such establishment, branch, unit, with due certification that the concerned person has been so nominated for the purpose of compliance under FSS Act and Rules and Regulations made thereunder. Every FBO, other than proprietor needs to nominate a person and convey to Licensing Authorities in Form IX

I have manufacturing units in multiple states. Will I be required to get a common license for the company or an individual license for each unit?

Ans: You will be required to obtain a Central License for the Head Office/Registered office of your company and individual Central or State license or Registration Certificate (as per the eligibility criteria of respective units) for each manufacturing unit in particular State/UT.

How can I check the authenticity/validity of FSSAI License or registration?

Ans: Consumers or any stakeholder can access and verify FSSAI Licensed/Registered Food Business Operators (FBOs) through 'Food Safety Connect' App. The information can also be accessed through FBO Search facility available on FSSAI's Food License and Registration System (FLRS)/ Food Safety and Compliance System (FoSCoS).

. In what circumstances application will be rejected?

Ans: Licensing Officer can reject the application in the case when the required information is not provided within the stipulated time of 30 days or is convinced that the applied application is not tenable and cannot be granted. Before refusing license an applicant shall be given an opportunity of being heard and reasons for refusal shall be recorded in writing.

Where a FBO can contact for FLRS/ FoSCoS technical assistance?

Ans: FBO can contact at toll free help desk no 1800112100 or can mail his query to Further, the homepage of Food Licensing and Registration System (FLRS)/ Food Safety and Compliance System (FoSCoS) show “HOW TO APPLY” which provide step by step information for food business operator to apply for Central/ State License and Registration by himself

What is the FSSAI License requirement to run a food business in more than one state with the same name of the company or organization?

Ans: If a Food Business Operator (FBO) has his food business premises located in two or more than two States, he is required to obtain a Central License for his Registered Office or Head Office in addition to license/registration for each unit/premise. Separate license or registration to be obtained for each unit/premise depending upon that unit‟s capacity or turnover, from the concerned Central or State licensing authorities. Further, if there is any food business activity conducted on Registered Office/Head Office premise, the same shall also be incorporated in Head Office License

What is the fee for modification of license

Ans: If there is any change that alters the information contained in the license certificate (Form C), Food  Business Operator shall apply for modification of license with a fee of Rs. 1000 plus differential fee equal  to difference in annual license fee in case of upgradation.  No fee is required for modification of non-form C details such as Change in Form IX Nominee (person  responsible for complying conditions of license) or any supporting docume

I am working/manufacturing or conducting food business activities from my home for a registered Cooperative Society/Gruh Udyog/Mahila Udyog/ Self Help Group or any similar government registered society. Do I need to obtain separate FSSAI registration for myself?

Ans: FSSAI vide order number 03-01/2012/Enf-I/FSSAI dated 21st Jan 2015 exempted individual members   to obtain FSSAI registration certificate. He/she must be a registered member of the society which is  licensed/registered with FSSAI and subject to all such conditions as laid down in the order.

Who will issue the FSSAI license to food business operators under Airport/Seaport premises?

Ans: FSSAI license for food premises at Airport/Seaport are issued by Airport Health Officers (APHOs) or Port Health Officers (PHOs) who are notified as Designated Officers (DOs) by Food Authority. Airports/Seaports where APHOs/PHOs are not notified as DOs, Central Licensing Authority (CLA) of respective area would issue license.

My License/Registration is suspended or cancelled. Do I need to stop food business activities?

Ans: On the suspension or cancellation of his/her License or registration, a food business operator needs to stop food business activities immediately.  Carrying out any food business activity on suspended or cancelled  License/Registration is an unlawful activity and shall attract penal actions under FSS Act, 2006.

Who are petty food business operators? What is the eligibility for FSSAI registration certificate?

Ans: Petty Food Business Operators (FBO) who himself manufactures or sells any article of food or a petty retailer, hawker, itinerant vendor or a temporary stall holder or small scale or cottage or such other industries relating to food business or tiny food business operator having annual turnover up to Rs. 12 Lacs and/or whose i. production capacity of food products does not exceed 100 kg or litres per day, or ii. procurement or handling and collection of milk is up to 500 litres of milk per day, or iii. slaughtering capacity is 2 large animals or 10 small animals or 50 poultry birds per day or  less  These FBOs are required to obtain FSSAI Registration Certificate by applying on Food Licensing and  Registration System. This Registration Certificate is embedded with QR code and has the image of FBO with  14-digit Registration number starting with 2 (2xxxxxxxxxxxxx).

Are different Licenses required to conduct different kind of food business activities at the same premise?

Ans:        FSSAI license is based on premise. All kinds of food business activities which are being conducted at the same premise can be applied for in a single FSSAI license. only FBO need to include product in there License. if FBO currently run business and hi want to add some new product than he has to modify there License by do modification process

Where importer can clarify their technical queries which he wants toclarify before importing any food consignment?

answer  FSSAI has its Authorised Officers at six regional offices and their complete addresses including emails are given below for clarifying technical queries:-

Where importer can clarify the doubts pertaining to procedure of importing food in India?

Where importer can clarify the doubts pertaining to procedure of importing food in India? Anshwer;  FSSAI have Six offices in all over india  these are    1. Delhi,    2. Mumbai,   3.  Chennai,   4.  Kolkata,    5. Tuticorin and   6. Cochin   FSSAI has Head quarter in delhi. anyone can contact with this office to clear their doubts

What are the high risk food items considered in case of import into India?

What are the high risk food items considered in case of import into India? Answer: With implementation of Risk Management system (RMS) by Customs in consultation with FSSAI, the high risk food items considered in case of import  into India are as follows:  1. Meat and Meat products 2. Fish & Fish Products 3. Egg & Egg Product 4. Milk powders 5. Condensed Milk 6. Milk Cereal Base Weaning Foods 7. Infant Milk Food 8. Infant Formulae 9. Fats in any form except edible vegetable oil 10. Cocoa butter equivalent or Substitutes

What is SWIFT?

What is SWIFT? Single Window Interface for Facilitating Trade (SWIFT) means the provision of single window system provided by the Customs to the importer and Custom House Agent to apply for import clearance

What are the rectifiable labelling deficiencies ?

What are the rectifiable labelling deficiencies ? In case of imported packaged food consignments, the following special dispensation on labeling shall be allowed for the rectification at the custom  bound warehouse by affixing a single non detachable sticker or by any other  nondetachable method next to the principle display panel namely:― a) Name and address of the importer;  b) Food Safety and Standards Authority of India’s Logo and license number,  c) Non-Veg or Veg Logo  d) Category or sub category along with generic name, nature and  composition for proprietary food

What are the labeling requirements of Imported Food Items?

What are the labeling requirements of Imported Food Items? Labeling requirements of Imported Food Items are mentioned under Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling) Regulations, 2011, Food Safety  and Standards (Food Import) Regulations, 2017 and guidelines (only labelling requirement part) dated 23.03.2012 and 09.08.2016 issued by FSSAI. 

How importer can import food article?

How importer can import food article? 1. Bill of Entry (BOE) is filed at Customs ICE GATE ( on  Single Window Interface for Facilitating Trade (SWIFT). SWIFT is working on  Risk based sampling system, called as Risk Management System(RMS). 2. Risk Management System (RMS) scrutinizes the application and if the  sampling is required; the BOE is referred to FSSAI on online Food Import  Clearance System (FICS). 3. CHA/Importer needs to be registered on FICS ( 4. FSSAI accepts the BOE and may ask for further details from CHA/Importer, if  necessary. 5. If all the relevant information is provided, Authorized Officer (A.O) fixes  appointment for the inspection of the consignment (only two opportunities  are provided to the CHA/Importer to confirm the appointment). 6. On inspection, if everything is found satisfactory including labeling and  packaging requirements of the consignments, the samples are drawn (2 nos)  and if not, Authorised

What are the pre-requisites for Importing Food into India

What are the pre-requisites for Importing Food into India 1 Import- Export Code from DGFT and Import License from FSSAI 2 Country Of Origin Certificate Mandatory Document(s) As Applicable 3 Complete Certificate Of Analysis including safety parameters From Country Of Origin (Mandatory for Proprietary Food) 4 High Sea Sales Agreement 5 Bill of Lading mentioned in the Bill of Entry (BoE) for sea consignment 6 Ingredients List  7 Specimen copy of label  8 Declaration that BoE has not been reffered on SW (Declaration is required to be incompany letterhead.) 9 Examination Order  10 Transit countries list if Food Articles have been transhipped  11 Invoice/Proforma Invoice  12 Packing List Self Declaration Document(s) As Applicable  13 Undertaking from importers for issue of provisional NOC for imported food consignment with less than 07 days shelf life  14 Undertaking from importers for issue of provisional NOC for frozen & chilled imported food consignment  15 Undertakingfrom importers f

end use declaration format For import food

Import fee charges Food authority


WHERE CAN I FIND THE LIST OF BANNED/ RESTRICTED PRODUCT IN INDIA? The list of banned/ restricted product in India is provided by DGFT and can be obtained from their website However, Food Authority may prohibit/restrict import of any article of Food based on risk perception or outbreaks of disease, etc. and issue orders as deemed fit in this regard. The Food Authority may issue guideline(s)/order(s) as deemed necessary from time to time for ensuring the safety and wholesomeness of Food imported into India. All such prohibitions and restrictions to be informed to the Customs immediately.


WHAT IS THE VALIDITY PERIOD OF IMPORT LICENSE? Under Regulation 2.1.7 (1) of FSS (Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses) Regulations 2011, a license granted under these Regulations shall be valid and subsisting, unless otherwise specified, for a period of 1 to 5 years as chosen by the Food Business Operator, from the date of issue of license subject to remittance of fee applicable for the period and compliance with all conditions of license

Compliance standards for packaging and labelling

 Compliance with standards for packaging and labelling .-  (1)No Food Importer shall import articles of food that is not transported, or stored in optimal storage conditions of temperature and hygiene, packaged and labeled as per the regulations applicable to that particular article of food.  (2) Any consignment of food or multiple foods or food falling under different categories packed in a single container or carton or pallet or skid, shall be packed in such a manner that the Authorised Officer has easy access to all of them for inspection and sampling.  (3) If there is no proper stuffing list in respect of article of food, the Authorised Officer shall direct the  customs officer to issue an order for de-stuffing the container and facilitate the de-stuffing, in order to  facilitate inspection and sampling.   (4) In case of imported packaged food consignments, the following special dispensation on labeling shall be allowed for the rectifiable labeling deficiencies at the custom bound


 The report of Import Clearance of Imported by Food authority, the visual inspection shall be submitted in FORM – 1. which is given below

PID diagram for tomato Ketchup Plant


GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES FOR WHOLE PREMISE I . Food Preparation Areas The following rules apply to rooms where food is prepared .  There will be no smoke nuisance in the food preparation area.  Wherever cooking or frying of any kind is being done, a chimney having appropriate suction capacity as per the size of the kitchen has to be installed prior to start of business. II . Hand washing facilities and toilets (1) Adequate number of wash-hand basins made of porcelain/stainless steel shall be provided along with soap to wash hands, with hot and cold running water, and materials for cleaning hands and drying them hygienically. Clean and dry towels shall be kept for the use of customers. (2) Separate sinks must be provided, where necessary, for washing raw food and cleaning equipment. (3) Sinks with a draining board, detergent and hot water shall be provided to ensure proper cleaning of utensils, crockery and cutlery there will be a separate place for washing pots and pai

How to modify FSSAI license?

How to Modify FSSAI License you can modify your fssai license with this 5 simple step follow below steps  Step 1: After logging in, navigate to “Modification” and select “Apply for Modification in  License/Registration”. Step 2: Choose the license/registration to modify and proceed with modification process Step 3: Select the details which you want to change. There are two types of modification as  explained below: ◦ Scenario 1: If you select any (or all) of the top three category or top three along with any of  the last two categories then it is called normal modification and everything will be  modifiable in application. For instance, if user selects any one of the options like Company  Name, Registered office address details or kind of business/product/quantity details and  selects any one or both the last two options then all the sections will be modifiable by user.  Look into the figures below for reference: ◦ Scenario 2: If any of the last two

Schedule IV requirements for Street Food Vendors and units other than manufacturing processing

A. SANITARY AND HYGIENIC REQUIREMENTS FOR STREET FOOD VENDORS AND UNITS OTHER THAN MANUFACTURING/PROCESSING 1. Potential sources of contamination like rubbish, waste water, toilet facilities, open drains and stray animals shall be avoided. 2. The surfaces of the Vending carts which come in contact with food or food storage utensils shall be built of solid, rust/ corrosion resistant materials and kept in clean and good condition They shall be protected from sun, wind and dust. When not in use, food vending vans shall be kept in clean place and properly protected. 3. Rubbish bin with cover shall be provided by food stall or vending cart owners for any waste generated in the process of serving and eating by consumers. 4. Working surfaces of vending carts shall be clean, hygienic, impermeable and easy to clean (like stainless steel), and placed at least 60 to 70 cm. from above ground. 5. Sale points, tables, awnings, benches and boxes, cupboards, glass cases, etc. shall be clea

Schedule IV for Petty Food Business Operators

Schedule IV  General Hygienic and Sanitary practices to be followed by Petty Food Business Operators applying for  Registration According to FSS ACT 2006 , schedule IV part 1 General requirements of Hygiene for Petty food Business Operator who applied for FSSAI registration are given below read carefully (See Regulation 2.1.1(2)) In case inspection of the units is directed by the Registering or Licensing Authority, the inspection should confirm that the following measures are adopted by the unit as far as possible: The place where food is manufactured, processed or handled shall comply with the following requirements: 1. The premises shall be located in a sanitary place and free from filthy surroundings and shall maintain overall hygienic environment. All new units shall set up away from environmentally polluted areas. 2. The premises to conduct food business for manufacturing should have adequate space for manufacturing and storage to maintain overall hygienic environment. 3. The prem


According to FSSAI LICENSE AND REGISTRATION ACT( 2.1) EVERY FOOD BUSINESS OPERATOR SHALL GAVE Guarantee.  Every manufacturer, distributor or dealer selling an article of food to a vendor shall give either  separately or in the bill, cash memo, or label a warranty in Form E. (Refer Form A for form of Guarantee)                           FORM E                   Form of Guarantee          (Refer Regulation 2.1.14(2)) Invoice No. _____     Place:________ From: _________       Date:_________ To: _________ 1. Date of sale......... 2.  Nature and quality of article/brand name, if any....... 3.  Batch No or Code No. ........... 4. Quantity .......... 5.Price........... I/We hereby certify that food/foods mentioned in this invoice is/are warranted to be of the nature aqnd quality which it/ these purports/purported to be. Signature of the manufacturer/Distributor/Dealer Name and address of Manufacturer/Packer (in case of packed article)

Documents needed for new FSSAI license State/Central LICENSE

Documents to be enclosed for new application for license to State/Central Licensing Authority 1. Form-B duly completed and signed (in duplicate) by the proprietor/ partner or the authorised signatory 2. Blueprint/layout plan of the processing unit showing the dimensions in metres/square metres and operation-wise area allocation. 3. List of Directors with full address and contact details 4. Name and List of Equipments and Machinery along with the number, installed capacity and horse power used. 5. Photo I.D and address proof issued by Government authority of Proprietor/Partner/Director(s)/Authorised Signatory. 6. List of food category desired to be manufactured. ( In case of manufacturers). 7. Authority letter with name and address of responsible person nominated by the manufacturer along with alternative responsible person indicating the powers vested with them viz assisting the officers in inspections, collection of samples, packing & dispatch. 8. Analysis report (Chemical & B

List of food business falling under Central License FSSAI

List of food business falling under the purview of Central Licensing Authority SCHEDULE 1 [See Regulation 2.1.2 (3)] I. Dairy units including milk chilling units equipped to handle or process more than 50,000 litres of liquid milk/day or 2500 MT of milk solid per annum. II. Vegetable oil processing units and units producing vegetable oil by the process of solvent extraction and refineries including oil expeller unit having installed capacity more than 2 MT per day. III. All slaughter houses equipped to slaughter more than 50 large animals or 150 or more small animals including sheep and goats or 1000 or more poultry birds per day. IV. Meat processing units equipped to handle or process more than 500 kg of meat per day or 150 MT per annum. V. All food processing units other than mentioned under (I) to (IV) including relabellers and repackers having installed capacity more than 2 MT/day except grains, cereals and pulses milling units. VI. 100 % Export Oriented Units. VII. All Importers i


FOOD CATEGORY : SALT, SPICES, SOUPS,SAUCES, SALADS AND PROTIEN PRODUCT Food Category Sub-Food Category Product Description 12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, salads and protein products 12.10 - Protein products other than from soybeans Vegetable Protein Products[12.10] 2.3.59 12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, salads and protein products 12.1 - Salt and salt substitutes Edible Common Salt[12.1.1] 2.9.30 (1) 12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, salads and protein products 12.1 - Salt and salt substitutes Iodised salt[12.1.1] 2.9.30(2) 12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, salads and protein products 12.1 - Salt and salt substitutes Iron Fortified Common Salt[12.1.1] 2.9.30(3) 12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, salads and protein products 12.1 - Salt and salt substitutes Iron Fortified Iodized Salt (double fortied salt)[12.1.1] 2.9.30(5) 12 - Salts, spices, soups, sauces, salads and protein products 12.1 - Salt and salt substitutes Salt Substitutes[12.1.2] 2.9.30(6) 12 - Salts, spices, soups,