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Schedule IV for Petty Food Business Operators

Schedule IV

 General Hygienic and Sanitary practices to be followed by Petty Food Business Operators applying for  Registration

According to FSS ACT 2006 , schedule IV part 1 General requirements of Hygiene for Petty food Business Operator who applied for FSSAI registration are given below read carefully
(See Regulation 2.1.1(2))

In case inspection of the units is directed by the Registering or Licensing Authority, the inspection should confirm that the following measures are adopted by the unit as far as possible:

The place where food is manufactured, processed or handled shall comply with the following requirements:

1. The premises shall be located in a sanitary place and free from filthy surroundings and shall maintain overall hygienic environment. All new units shall set up away from environmentally polluted areas.

2. The premises to conduct food business for manufacturing should have adequate space for manufacturing and storage to maintain overall hygienic environment.

3. The premises shall be clean, adequately lighted and ventilated and sufficient free space for movement.

4. Floors, Ceilings and walls must be maintained in a sound condition. They should be smooth and easy to clean with no flaking paint or plaster.

5. The floor and skirted walls shall be washed as per requirement with an effective disinfectant the premises shall be kept free from all insects. No spraying shall be done during the conduct of business, but instead fly swats/ flaps should be used to kill spray flies getting into the premises. Windows, doors and other openings shall be fitted with net or screen, as appropriate to make the premise insect free The water used in the manufacturing
shall be potable and if required chemical and bacteriological examination of the water shall be done at regular intervals at any recognized laboratory.

6. Continuous supply of potable water shall be ensured in the premises. In case of intermittent water supply, adequate storage arrangement for water used in food or washing shall be made.

7. Equipment and machinery when employed shall be of such design which will permit easy cleaning.
Arrangements for cleaning of containers, tables, working parts of machinery, etc. shall be provided.

8. No vessel, container or other equipment, the use of which is likely to cause metallic contamination injurious
to health shall be employed in the preparation, packing or storage of food. (Copper or brass vessels shall have proper lining).

9. All equipments shall be kept clean, washed, dried and stacked at the close of business to ensure freedom from
growth of mould/ fungi and infestation.

10. All equipments shall be placed well away from the walls to allow proper inspection.

11. There should be efficient drainage system and there shall be adequate provisions for disposal of refuse.

12. The workers working in processing and preparation shall use clean aprons, hand gloves, and head wears.

13. Persons suffering from infectious diseases shall not be permitted to work. Any cuts or wounds shall remain covered at all time and the person should not be allowed to come in direct contact with food.

14. All food handlers shall keep their finger nails trimmed, clean and wash their hands with soap, or detergent and water before commencing work and every time after using toilet. Scratching of body parts, hair shall be avoided during food handling processes.

15. All food handlers should avoid wearing, false nails or other items or loose jewellery that might fall into food and also avoid touching their face or hair.

16. Eating, chewing, smoking, spitting and nose blowing shall be prohibited within the premises especially while handling food.

17. All articles that are stored or are intended for sale shall be fit for consumption and have proper cover to avoid contamination.

18. The vehicles used to transport foods must be maintained in good repair and kept clean.

19. Foods while in transport in packaged form or in containers shall maintain the required temperature.

20. Insecticides / disinfectants shall be kept and stored separately and `away from food manufacturing / storing/handling areas.


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