Documents to be enclosed for new application for license to State/Central Licensing Authority
1. Form-B duly completed and signed (in duplicate) by the proprietor/ partner or the authorised signatory
2. Blueprint/layout plan of the processing unit showing the dimensions in metres/square metres and operation-wise
area allocation.
3. List of Directors with full address and contact details
4. Name and List of Equipments and Machinery along with the number, installed capacity and horse power used.
5. Photo I.D and address proof issued by Government authority of Proprietor/Partner/Director(s)/Authorised Signatory.
6. List of food category desired to be manufactured. ( In case of manufacturers).
7. Authority letter with name and address of responsible person nominated by the manufacturer along with alternative
responsible person indicating the powers vested with them viz assisting the officers in inspections, collection of
samples, packing & dispatch.
8. Analysis report (Chemical & Bacteriological) of water to be used as ingredient in food from a recognized/ public
health laboratory to confirm the portability indicating the name of authorized representative of Lab who collected
the sample and date of collecting sample
9. Proof of possession of premises. (Sale deed/ Rent agreement/ Electricity bill, etc.)
10. Partnership Deed/Affidavit/Memorandum & Articles of Association towards the constitution of the firm.
11. Copy of certificate obtained under Coop Act - 1861/Multi State Coop Act - 2002 in case of Cooperatives.
12. NOC from manufacturer in case of Re-labellers
13. Food Safety Management System plan or certificate if any,
14. Source of milk or procurement plan for milk including location of milk collection centres etc in case of Milk and Milk
Products processing units.
15. Source of raw material for meat and meat processing plants.
16. Pesticide residues report of water to be used as ingredient in case of units manufacturing Packaged drinking water,
packaged Mineral water and/or carbonated water from a recognised/ public health laboratory indicating the name of
authorised representative of Lab who collected the sample and date of collecting sample, including source of raw
water and treatment plan.
17. Recall plan wherever applicable, with details on whom the product is distributed.
18. NOCs from Municipality or local body and from State Pollution Control Board except in case of notified industrial
Documents to be included for renewal or transfer of license given under other existing laws prior to these Regulations
1. Any change in documents or information provided during grant of previous license.
2. Certificate or Plan of Food Safety Management System being adopted (for units under Central Licensing it has to be
a certificate from accredited agencies).
3. List of workers with their medical fitness certificates.
4. Name, qualification and details of technical person