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Compliance standards for packaging and labelling

 Compliance with standards for packaging and labelling .- 

(1)No Food Importer shall import articles of food that is not transported, or stored in optimal storage conditions of temperature and hygiene, packaged and labeled as per the regulations applicable to that particular article of food. 

(2) Any consignment of food or multiple foods or food falling under different categories packed in a single container or carton or pallet or skid, shall be packed in such a manner that the Authorised Officer has easy access to all of them for inspection and sampling. 

(3) If there is no proper stuffing list in respect of article of food, the Authorised Officer shall direct the 
customs officer to issue an order for de-stuffing the container and facilitate the de-stuffing, in order to 
facilitate inspection and sampling.
(4) In case of imported packaged food consignments, the following special dispensation on labeling shall be allowed for the rectifiable labeling deficiencies at the custom bound warehouse by affixing a single non  ldetachable sticker or by any other non detachable method next to the principle display panel namely:―

(a) name and address of the importer; 
(b) Food Safety and Standards Authority of India’s Logo and license number, 
(c) Non-Veg or Veg Logo 
(d) Category or sub category along with generic name, nature and composition for proprietary food 

(5) In respect of the rectifiable labelling deficiencies referred to in sub – regulation (4), the Authorised 
Officer may pass an order directing the Food Importer or his authorised agent to carry out the permissible 
labelling rectifications, within a specified time in the customs area without altering or masking the 
original label information in any manner. 

(6) On rectification by the Food Importer, the Authorised Officer shall carry out a re-inspection of the articles  of food and if satisfied, draw the sample, subject to all other conditions being fulfilled by the Food Importer. 

(7) In case the Food Importer fails to rectify the permissible defects referred to in sub – regulation (4), within the specified time, the Authorised Officer may pass an order refusing clearance of such imported articles of food and issue a non conformance report. 

(8) If the Authorised Officer is satisfied that the Food Importer has complied with the provisions of these regulations, the Authorised Officer or his representatives shall draw two parts of food sample from the imported articles of food in the customs area in the presence of Food Importer or his Custom House Agent  for testing the samples. 

(9) If the food analyst seeks additional information on ingredients or on any other parameters after receipt of 
the food sample, the Authorised Officer shall direct the Food Importer to provide such information duly supported by documentary evidence. 

(10) The Authorised Officer shall reject the consignment not complying with the provisions of Labeling and Packaging Regulations, 2011 at the visual inspection and no sample shall be drawn from the consignment


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