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How Food Digest in our body

How food digest in our body?

We know that our body get nutrients from food we eat on daily basis and we also get energy from that food, our body can work by use of this energy

let's begin, How food digest in our body?

Two process which happen during digesting in our body first physical second one chemical reaction. physical reaction means process by teeth. 

Food get digest one bye one process in different part of our body. firstly start with mouth than stomach than small intestine than large intestine than Anus and from anus pass out from our body

Now understand each process one by one 

1. What happened to food in our Mouth?

               Once feed food to our mouth our teeth bite the food into small pieces and mix it with saliva. if we were bite more food in our mouth it will easily digested in our body. saliva also have some enzymes which can act with foods in break down into small particles. Saliva have amylase enzyme which can act with starch content of food and convert into  smaller form maltose. when saliva mix with food it will made food very soft after mixing in saliva food is passed through food pipe to stomach.

2. What happened to food in our stomach ?

              Bia food pipe broken pieces of food passes into stomach from our mouth. here food got mixed with two type of digestive juices one is Hydrochloric acid and second one is mucus juices. HCL breakdown food into very small piece and here in HCL many type of dangerous bacteria got also killed and save from them. 

in gastric juices there is one enzyme called Protease (pepsin) enzyme. Pepsin can attach with protein part of food and convert into partially digest protein. next digestion process of protein completed in small intestine.

3. What happened to food in our Small intestine ?

            Now very small pieces of foods goes to small intestine, here food breakdown into size which body can adsorb nutrients from foods.

Small intestine have 7 meter long. it have 3 parts each part have there own work.  Bial juice transfer to small intestine from liver this bial juice breakdown fat into fatty acids and this fatty acid adsorb by small intestine buds and mix with blood.

pancreas transfer pancreatic juice into small intestine. Pancreatic juice have trypsin enzyme which can attach with Protein fat and emulsified starch it also have lypase and amylase enzyme in this juice.  this pancreatic juice breakdown carbohydrates into the from of glucose or glycogen which will adsorb by small intestine buds and got mixes with blood.  

4. What happened to food in our large intestine ?

            Now Food is transferred to large intestine water, mineral are adsorbed here. Rest part of food which is not digested by body transferred to anus.from anus undigested food got remove  from our bodh.

Summary of this blog

Here in above blog we have discussed what happened to food in our different part of body such as Mouth, Food pipe, Stomach, Small intestine, big Intestine, anus and we also read which enzyme work to digest different food particles


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